Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Work Planning / Shortfalls / Recruitment/ Retention

Work Planning 

As several folks are not planning and because it is good anyway to monitor, we shall bring back the Trello board - with FS to maintain. 

Shortfalls in Some Areas

All of us are over-extended - particularly TH 
 - need to analyze portfolio and see what can be delegated (at least till we catch up) and where we can provide help from KA and MR and NP - to consider - maintaining inventories / legal work / printing and publishing / communication / KMV write up and archives /social media / office maintenance / instrumentation 
 - same goes for others too - see where we need support - need help with correspondence - can use KA - maybe for the accounting work, and inventory work 
- RZ and TH need to be talking to KA regularly - think shall take the HoT work off her. The communication theme is also not something that she can coordinate. 
- MR has work only he can do - 

Recruitment /  Interviews

Wasantha - considering whether to recruit - since we are short-handed - we can see whether she can assist in Correspondence / Communication / Publication / Legal and Regulatory work / Outreach 

Few others to interview for key posts: 

AL students -  wonder why our recruitment efforts did not yield - have we gone through the observer applicants. 

IT recruits - There are two applicants at present - lets review other applicants - wish we could engage one - have we sent to SLIATE and NAITA

Physics Grad - for AQ and climate related work - nothing working out - we could survive for now with RL inputs 

Admin Aide - NAITA did not send any - why did  that effort not succeed?


SS to be retained for 3 months - have told her that she cannot continue  attendance as at present. No real alternative at present for data work. 

AA to be retained till the PEER proposal submission if it is encouraged - she can work on documentation. Have to give work where we have done more of the compilation and she can clean up. Propose to give HoT work from KA, write up’s for MV, Aranayake, Aruwwakalu. 

PN to be retained mostly for legal work in the next months- with some management work thrown in. Need to orient him. 

PT - Periyandy Thunendran - works one day a week -  probably ideally placed to get some surveying work done. He shall have a 1-2 day per week role.