Friday, August 14, 2020

ICTA Submissions & Other Deadlines

 ICTA work 

Think we were Able to sort out problem with submission - we have been in touch - but don’t think we got acknowledgement yet as we have for the other two. We were told that the original attachments and mail  did not make it. 

DS was looking into some matters - About Us changing the advisors - he may be adding some translations for 
CG was ill in the AM - so incorporating the new inputs paused. 
Translations proceeded - with KW, ZJ, FS and inputs from CC - not heard from MR 

The recording for 
Disease has been done by TK 
Drought is in progress by ZJ today 
Cleanair - has to be revised for recording by TK 

Social Media 
Work remains  to make the three new portal lists work - lets get a few new folks involved 

While there was good progress with the three sites in the last four days. 
Shortcomings remain on the sites - so shall write that individually for the 3 sites in separate emails. 

Proposal on Dengue Prediction 
Odds are very long - only 1 grant globally 
- but it is on exact work we are doing for dengue 
- so we can try to do without too much disruption.
AN and I went through the RFP later and decided to proceed with this. Deadline is August 21 - 
but if we give a sub-contract to Ramesh - then U of Missouri may need to have documents well before. 
I have also written to Rashed for Marshall Island and Bangladesh and Shaky for Nepal and asked Dr. Kusum whether she knows of any place. 
Need Audit statements for the org - so may have to go with FECT and TCG 

RFP on Bioplastics for SL and MV 

Came across this on a news website 
- this is in the domain of AA work 
- Also Hudha and Mizna may be interested. 
- so 

Link in Google calendar is not working to AMED 
If we were to pursue SATREPS, now is the time - but seems too big of an effort - as it has to be led by someone in Japan. 
Worth looking at AMED to see whether they have smaller grants. 

FECT - Inc / TCG -Inc 
INS registration has to be done again. Must do next week - for above RFP
TCG registration to be done with GW 

- PE is effectively gone - but we have some closing shop to be done with her. 
- DS is also effectively gone 
- NP has not been in touch whole of this week

Hiring  -  
Priorities established before for positions remain. 
Digana recruiting a priority. 

To add to our priorities hires  - it shall be important to get an IT person who works on Linux 
We may have to seek someone high end if we cannot get the profile we are looking for. 

We decided on an Advt in the Sunday Observer. That was done later by the Admin team. 
My two interviews in person last week did not yield a good match. 
There are two persons who are not sure but we can see. 
There are two SLIATE IT Diploma students who are available in September. 

Administering Recruit Search 
Seems that our tracking system for work under Hiring needs improvement - or getting distracted. 

FS and TH 
 - to keep track of progress with Institutions and Next steps 
 - Other work on Engaging with Institutions - NAITA Matala / Kandy, SLIATE, NIBM/ CoT Aruppola + Hardware place in Kandy - for IT and Hardware  / Potential Reviewers 
 - Effectiiveness of our efforts - outcome mapping is needed for example in relation to Advertisements - and we need people following up. 

Instruments - AWS 
With PE leaving need someone to keep track of aspects in addition to TH 
- CC can do some of PE tasks for now. 
 - went through work on AirVisual Registrations and Access database 

We need someone to keep track of all this in addition to CC and TH  - the hardware /electronic technician 

All Staff Meeting / Lunch 
Next Week Tuesday had been proposed 
Given Proposal Deadline for 21st and carryover of work on ICTA to next week and MC case on the 18th Tuesday 
And the fact that it shall take 2 days to prepare, deliver and recover
- we decided to postpone to next week. 

Transfer 76/2 Electricity Bill 
File on that is still not complete - so thats on the table. 

NDB has asked for a letter - we need to follow up. 
Bu letst also try with a better bank. 

Pending payments to 5 individuals 

- was able to clear some confusions - about the evaporation submissions - the AQ submissions to E1 are fine and under review 
- Not heard from the Section C, D and F regards the RS, Dengue and Economy submissions. 
- Memberships to be submitted - coming week. 

Need to review and revise the Affidavit on Monday to discuss with Mr. SGS on Tuesday 18th - 
Ask HT whether that date of September 3 works for him. 
RZ: Need to ask Hidaya as to why there is a delay in the Federation Registration as a Trust. 

PEER project on Dengue 
Officially extended till September 2021 

Not to forget 
Data - MR went to Teldeniya alone with elections 
Freedcamp - we have to do a review of how it fared with ICTA 
NWP Visit - needed to relocate AQ instruments and to submit Ethics proposal 
Mubarack Visit Follow up - need to send the addresses and contact lists - am tempted to follow up with some website 
DSC - Write up’s remain to be  done. 
STEM - Bill to be paid to Dhiraagu - ask someone in MV to do this. Need to get feedback on document for STEM - there is a call for proposals on bioplastics for MV 
Dilmah - need to write to them acknowledging funds - also to Dilhan and follow up with PW