Sunday, September 27, 2020



Over the weekend, we had the electrical engineering team here and Farook Nana helping with the carpentry. 
- added two cameras for CCTV - so now there is more coverage of the road - still to move the camera for the gate
- sorted out some of the material that is mixed up - telephone / electrical / TV  / Internet cables and supplies and equipment 
- set apart places to put these materials - some in the pantry, some in the tool room at the end - we have to all work in that framework 
- took out some materials that was misfiled - or dumped in boxes without any labels 
- Pl pay attention and we shall have to get the 5S system to work not only for the materials and tools but also our keys and stationery 

Farook Nana from Varakamura has fixed some of the cupboard doors - 
KW table door re-fixed. 
The drawer from the wooden table was being used as a box in the kitchen to hold knick knacks and the mousetrap  - so we put that back. 
Drawers should not used for heavy things - and so some more rearrangement is needed. 

Library cupboard  on the stairs and other cupboards need to be fixed. So Farook of V shall be around the whole week. 
We may do several things we had planned 
- such as put a roof at the concrete patch on the backdoor upstairs 
- repair the roof in front of the house - as it is leaking 
- repair the leaks at the back of the house 

A chair was being used as a temporary or even permanent stand  in the balcony in room 1 - shows no plan or thought or sense of permanent arrangements. It is a waste of a chair. 
Worse, I see that the wooden frame in the Windows had been crudely cut to carry a wire out for the Air Visual. 

Lets try to be a bit more professional in our work. It is very sad for me as I took a lot of trouble with all the wood work there - hunting down timber which was mature and the carpenter who did the work was also so attentive and skilled - it is so easy to hack it - if you damage the window frames we cannot repair  it without a massive cost - that shall cost about 100,000 SLR and we still won’t get it right. 

Hope that Seylan Bank comes through. If they do we should set up FECT, Inc as well. 

We need to do the paperwork for this - partially done and FS handling. 

Review of the Writ submission by SZY - Amani to work on this with input from FS and LZ - 
FS has converted to text  - so we need to cross check with our Writ and see the issues to highlight to the lawyers. 
I emailed our lawyers with some notes just to see whether they had an urgent deadline for it - but they did not revert. 
RZ has already sent the document copies to Heshan and to Faisza + Hasna. 

With CC due to leave on Friday - UA is in Digana to help with learning the DL - 
Both AM and UA can work on this 

NA can help with the Climate reports - but we are not going to have a smooth transition on the Statistical analysis.  


ZJ  can compile the various articles we had and print them and handover to RR - and ask feedback about follow up.