Friday, December 31, 2021

Management Update


The Greeting Card is finally passable - we have to learn our lessons on why it took so many hours on the part of 3 or 4  persons. 

The FECT annual report summary put together by SG is to be worked on by me later.  So that we can send it out today. 

The CFP Foundation pre-proposal was submitted. I admit I did not realize it was only a preproposal till later. The parts of the proposal that was culled should be assembled next week so that we can use them for a fuller proposal. 

There were no outputs from JG last days on the Writ - we have to get our staff to deliver outputs rather than just chatter - this was her first week. 

We may have dropped the ball on the DAMRO purchase order for chairs. The sale will be over - worth checking today and placing the order. 

Prices shall rise like on all else. The petroleum refinery does not have oil next few days and NCPP may not have enough coal till the SW Monsoon is over.  We need to store petrol including for the generator. 

Electricity may not be available regularly. 

For the office,  We need to assemble solar-based backup power system. 
There is already the Jackery Solar Panel and Jackery Battery that I brought last time - think that shall last a couple of  - ZI check that it works for off-grid. 
Figure out whether I should send a Jackery and Solar Panel or we can make our own for both offices. 

Banks are at risk - I keep telling them to have two or three months in hand. 

I figured out that the number we had given to Seylan Bank for the wire transfer back to US was for the Savings account - and we should give the Current Account.  Shall write to them. 

Keep 2-3 months of funds in hand - banks may run out of money. 

One of my batchmates Renuka Rodrigo wanted to send some funds across to Kandy in USD - so we are paying him @230 - think we should keep funds in 
USD. This is just to hedge against a bigger drop in currency value. 

You can always buy things without keeping LKR. 

Staff at FECT may be undermining my own outputs as I am spending my time on completely useless work such as being a personal assistant to them. They have, come to expect it.  As a result, I cannot do what shall be useful. 

They are the failings and neglect of Weekly, Monthly and 6-month reporting by a few - of course, a few people when trying to navigate in a boat can sink it all. 

As much as I keep asking everyone to use a dictionary - the Greeting Card - took so much time because of Malapropism - use of words because they sound grand and a failure to do simple checks.  I think I could have done the card myself given all the feedback I had to give. 

The strategic planning is not completed in parts and does not inform the work plans - what happens is people are doing work like serving at an all you can eat buffet. We need to have meetings every month at least and better every week. 

Please provide your input. 

We have already taken some actions.  

I shall have to consult with Management experts without getting further disappointed and see what further actions to take. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Management Update

 With VA departure has come up all of a sudden - I have been immersed in the legal docs

Not sure we can arrange a bit of a send off for them. I had thought of asking you all to organize something tomorrow - maybe in one place
- find out (without any pressure) whether she is able to come again - we can combine with
a send off for NH.

Tomorrow is half a day in the Banks as per the Govt calendar
If there were anybody traveling for xmas, good to know in advance - else there are things to finish by tomorrow.

Also pay attention to
with the deadline on 15th and 22nd for the two proposal applications to Asia Foundation and Aus Embassy - have to pay attention to the Thai Pongal. 

Given all this - we may just have to keep our shoulders to the wheel.

ps - interviewed Jeewani X? Gunawardene was introduced by Deshani K for the legal position and so far things are good and we may have her come in on Friday / tomorrow.