Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 Am working on the legal docs for the submission to CoA - its overdue to our lawyers. TH was in cmb and has got a key document from EQD. So not able to attend to follow up.

What's immediately on my mind are reaching our partners with the greeting cards, the proposals to the Australian embassy and the Commonwealth Fund, the dengue, climate services and AQ papers, and the strategic plan. So please see that you can advance. 

Finance - we have to check with Seylan about the USD transfers, the USD transfer done here (LZ) and of course staff disbursements.

See what you can do on the above topics if you can. 

To the whole staff last week, I wrote about updating the various TB - and that was done patchily
here there are some sensitive topics - you need to address these boards - connect the
Strategic Planning, SWOT,
Mitigation Steps and
Representation in the TB - and identification of problem cards.

These are the boards - shall send this off now - but we can discuss - anything that is not clear.

Admin Strategic Planning

Is missing the information about the ongoing hiring process.
HR requires representation of current work and updating of cards that are done.
Akurana House