Monday, May 1, 2023

Hires / Staff / Infrastructure / Seylan Bank


I went through the list of applicants and talked to some of those who I found interesting. 
Asked three of them to come for interviews tomorrow at 11 AM and 3PM for internships. Kavindi from Kudugala and Asra from Udatalawinna 
Talked to few more whom I asked to send transcripts. Ahshan from Piimatalawa and Sriyani - there are a few more contact. 

We are in a bind - trying not to contain our expenditures but there are a few things to get done - dont want to burden the more senior staff with minor tasks - so we can look for interns - there are some folks who have graduated but dont have jobs close by - so they may come. 

SJ is willing to work from Trinco - but we have to give a portfolio for her. 

Stopping the water coming into the house during Rain. 

Seylan Bank
Need to get the account set up this week.