5.30 -7.00
Participants - LZ/RZ/TH/AN/FS
In principle
- Delegate to RZ, AN and TH on 3 areas and to FS on some cross-cutting areas. ZJ to help in 1 & 2 to plug gaps.
Immediate Tasks for each Leader
Go Through and review the follow
- update the SWOT and Priority Tasks
- Documentation is on OSF
- Identify Priority Tasks
- Need to update the TB / FC
- Monthly Reports
- Reporting - Output Oriented.
- Come up with
A format for Monthly Reporting
1. Staff Allocation
1. Admin, HR, Legal - RZ - FS with inputs from TH and ZJ
2. Research + Publications + Conferences + Data Acquisition - AN - KW + inputs from ZJ
3. IT + Communication
Can Delegate (Communication - NA + MV Communication - NA + Instrumentation - AJ + Hardware - ZI + AJ + Data Management - AJ + UA, IT - TH )TBs
FC - Website - TH - with Disease (NA), UA, AM, SS, AJ
+ other websites
2. Decide on Targets by Theme for the Month of December
- what is pending - see TB and FC
- what are the targets for Dec
Admin - Operational Tasks
HR - Appointment + Communicate the Vacancies + Obtain Suitable Responses
Finance - Salaries + Seylan Bank Documentation (FS) + Obtain Reserve
Legal -
Cross-Cutting - Visit Digana Office + Get Mail + Pay Bills + Check Video + Clean Office
- Work Reporting + OCW
- review
3. Allocating Work + Deciding on Resources Needed + SWOT
4. Monitoring Work TB
Cross-Cutting - FS + ZJ
Digana Office - THAkurana Office - RZ + FSRe-Org - RZ + FS + AMOCW - AM + SS + ZJWork Reporting - FS
5. Communicate with the other staff members - and get their feedback.
6. Knowledge Management
- OSF + Blogs - decide what we are going to maintain
7 Personnel Needed
Wishlist for Hires - HR needs to undertake a campaign -
Graphics / AV person - THWriter - Non-Scientific - LZWriter - Scientific - LZAdmin - HR / Accounts - RZ / FSLegal - Junior Lawyer - RZResearcher - Quantitative - LZPersonal Assistant - LZ