Monday, April 26, 2021

Management Discussed on 26/04/2021

 Time - 10.30am to 11.50am

Participants - LZ, TH, RZ, AN,ZJ 

Due to the pandemic and having the need to work from home Dr.LZ asked on how to manage and monitor works of staff. The immediate tasks that were  identified are as follows

1. Fix work from home guidelines - RZ, TH, ZJ  to do 
2. Provide a format for reporting daily tasks - RZ, TH, ZJ to do 
3. Monitor work hours of staff in Trello board while working at home and office - FS to check
4. Audit the OCW of staffs by allocating a card for each person in the OCW trello board - RZ to do 
5. Do a proper analysis of local risk of COVID-19 at present - KW and CK to do 

And the other topics that were discussed are 

Internal Audit 
- RZ, TH, to come up with main topics for the Internal audit for the institution and to spend not more than 2 days on it 

FECT Management documentation 
- RZ was able to access the blog, TH, AN and FS to check if they can access and permissions 

- Departures and transition - TH to check with others if everything is documented by those who left recently. 

- After discussions it was identified we need to recruit a researcher, writer, programmer(to handle, hardware and a statistician 
- Greeting card could be shared to the FOSID group with a text saying "Vacancies available"

- RZ and TH to prepare a profile for a manager so that we can advertise by the end of Friday
- Dr.LZ's comment - Someone who could write in English, well experienced and retired    

Strategic Review 
- Each Theme can be reviewed sequentially so that we can finish off soon - staffs who aren't working on BHC deadlines this week can spend some time on it 

TVEC registration
- Documents to be organized for TVEC registration - DD, ZJ to follow up  

- As the internships of SP,DD,SG are coming to an end they can continue if they would like to stay - Let Dr.LZ know personally on this if there is anything up 

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