Monday, January 3, 2022


To the extent I write these things below, you may get to know what is in my mind. But

we need more systematic participation in the management of FECT, especially by the more experienced staff. 

Except for isolated recent failures, there has been timely reporting the monthly but not at the
weekly level. This is an improvement. We need to at least monitor the weekly supervision as supervisors. As for the monthly reporting, we need certifications by the supervisors for payments. Without the 6 monthly reports, the next appointment revisions shall be held back.

The individual staff reporting time for some is quite high - we can encourage folks to try to simplify and only include the work that is taking at least an hour - unless these are pivotal.

As for the daily reporting, we can restrict it to the Interns for their initial 6 months and anyone else who wants to do it.

One of the problems, I am seeing is that there is a focus on monitoring the individuals but not the TPPI. We also need to have monitoring of our progress with the WIGs. If we are not monitoring, then we are not managing the problems.

Hence, I am proposing monthly reviews by each TPPI team and a report as to what needs to get done and priorities, targets and resource needs. This shall help with folks working on a topic thinking systematically overall.
AQ program
Web work
Weather Card
Proposal Follow up
- there are questions I have raised in individual emails and discussions which need input from others in the TPPI
I have thoughts on
Proposal Work - what should we go for
Finance - priorities 
which are not getting play.

We shall develop a reporting format which should take no more than 2 hours to do. FS pl start on this.
Month - XXX
- Team - Members and Coordinator
Update of TPPI Strategic Plan Internal Audit, TB/FC 
- Tasks from Last Month
- Challenges and Opportunities Arising
- Task for current month Priorities and Staff allocation
- Tasks to be carried over for next months
- Resource Needs
- Representation on TB or FC

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