Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Management Updates

 Did Lack of Follow-up on Web Tasks Undermine our Proposals?

There is a  likelihood that we got some of our proposals this year refused to
AusAid - 2
Asia Foundation
US org 
US Embassy - AEIF
one more to the Maldives
because despite all the work going to the deadline - we took off our focus thereafter to
get our websites consistent, especially with

Staff in the proposals did not match with those in the proposals sent from
Our cleanair.lk is broken in front - huge holes. 

There could be other reasons as well -
but this work was so easy to do - and there have been failures on
my part, IT supervisors part, proposal coordinators part.
Staff is not consulting with the TB and TPPI is being done just to get its ticket off rather than solving problems.

AM is not able to maintain her own cards - she is fanciful in terms of assigning people work. TH you need to take over. We have to get AM and UA back to technical work. We shall have to sacrifice the SM work which is all that they are doing.

Fixing the Problem

It is clear to see who the problem cases are just seeing who are not reporting - if they report properly, it shall give us a chance to help them with prioritization and understanding what is needed.

1. Learning Problems
There are others who have learning problems or just problems in applying their intelligence
Those who are not able to read and understand emails and our guidance material.
We have been careful of taking in those who have the language skills - but it is a question of
2.  Technical Inaptitude 
UA says he does not know how to filter the cards on the TB after trying - AM had done it properly.
This is a poor reflection on our IT staff.
There are staff members who are not trying to learn.
3. Indiscipline and Pretense
We may be having some bad eggs as well.
Proposals and Sustainability of FECT
As you know if we don't get proposals funded this year, despite 5-6 submissions.
Our organization is not sustainable,   at this scale. So we cannot dawdle. Else this boat shall take water.

We have to start with corrections including strict advice, careful checking.

We also have to not extend the staff members who are not doing their work and to give them time to find alternatives or give them a consultancy if they can do some part of their assignment.
Until we get our house in order - we may need to be careful about investing in further proposals.

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