Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Management Meeting - 04.06.2020

On Zoom from 10.30 - 11.15 
RZ, CG, AN and FS 
TH on leave. 


Staff Guidelines 
  - IT and IT security - what has been done - TH and CG - to report this pm
  - work from home - where are with this - Did TH attend to this?
  - health guidelines for Office - Did RZ complete this? I had provided feedback. 

Review of Attendance 
According to RZ 
- with a few exceptions - the weekly and monthly reports have been submitted 
- Shortcoming 
- Trello Board Task for Weekly submission for review and another one for planning and Monthly submission MUST include a date and also labels. 
 For  - Weekly Review submission it can be Sunday at 6 pm
         -the Planning Submission ishould be 10 AM by each Monday 
         - Monthly submission should be around the 2nd of the next month. 
- we need to ask for calculations of hours / days worked from the staff - if there is discrepancies then RZ can follow up. 

Review of Recruitment 
Sunday Times Advertisement - did not get much attention 
    - it lacks focus and missed most important item for PA / EA / Writer 
Letters to be sent out as per TH yesterday - needs list 

All 3 interviews with SUSL and UoM students not giving a good match 
We have to be careful about whom we take 
According to CG - PE may come to office next week. 

Review of Trello Board for FECT Admin Operational Tasks 

RZ says now we have to email the senior staff - not sure we should consult them first. 

 LZ left with questions
 - what is the connection with the SWOT / RE-ORG work ?
 - Are these tasks or just categories ?
 - Why are we organizing by main person who is responsible. ? 
 - how is this Trello Board separate from the Admin board ? 
 - Is this an Admin Board or Management Board ? 

Work in Office versus Work Offline 
 - RZ, FS, CG - think work in office is going better than work at home 
 - AN is ok. But sees lots of distractions when she comes to office - this is sentiment of DS too 
  -  there is a pent-up need for input in a variety of fronts when in office - esp with new staff  - and this may ease a bit - however we have to 

Grant on Air Quality - URGENT 
 - We have not done anything - unlike other grants we have to get partners and support them - so we need to move ASAP to try to get in on a winning consortium - PE has said she would send contacts last week but not yet. 

——————We did not review minutes from Last Monday below ————

 - RZ is advancing the USD accounts for the NDB and HNB banks
 - Trust registration being done. 
 - FS working on TCG US registration

NWP PD Health 
 - AN and LZ working on this 

 - got postponed 

 - got done in Nachchaduwa - waiting for BTO + Next tasks 

 - TH and CG and RZ - to report back on completion for Admin and IT 

File for Mgmt 
 - FS ? 

OSF Storage 
 - LZ yet to do

Collaboration Boards 
 - Not sure of progress 

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