Sunday, January 3, 2021

Management Update


We had planned that you would take over supervision in December - but I had continued on account of absences and illnesses.

Now that Jan has come Please take over the daily and weekly supervision for
IT - TH  for SLIATE ppl
Research - AN for KW and SG 
Admin - RZ and FS
I shall continue with NA and ZJ while giving technical inputs to others.

You need to insist that the tasks match with what are the priorities and you review the previous weeks plans and see whether they are
Measuring up.

Seems the SLIATE folks are learning to manage us rather than the other way around.
This is partly because we are neglecting them. So TH shall have to prioritize that and others should not try to pull him in for this.
There Internship runs out in 2 months - so good to give them detailed feedback and see whether they correct themselves. 

We shall also need to recruit urgently there - we have 1 person ready to start on Jan 8 - Isuru Dissanayake
And made offers to two others - asked them to confirm by 5th.

There are also NIBM, ESOFT persons applying - lets look at them too.

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