Sunday, November 29, 2020

Delegating Supervision and Work Review


5.30 -7.00

Participants - LZ/RZ/TH/AN/FS

In principle 

 - Delegate to RZ, AN and TH on 3 areas and to FS on some cross-cutting areas. ZJ to help in 1 & 2 to plug gaps. 

Immediate Tasks for each Leader 

Go Through and review the follow
- update the SWOT and Priority Tasks 
- Documentation is on OSF 
- Identify Priority Tasks 
- Need to update the TB / FC 
- Monthly Reports 
- Reporting - Output Oriented. 

- Come up with 
          A format for Monthly Reporting 

1. Staff Allocation 

1.  Admin, HR, Legal - RZ - FS with inputs from TH and ZJ

2.  Research + Publications + Conferences + Data Acquisition - AN - KW + inputs from ZJ

3.  IT + Communication
Can Delegate (Communication - NA  + MV Communication - NA  + Instrumentation - AJ  +  Hardware - ZI + AJ +  Data Management - AJ + UA,  IT - TH )TBs
                       FC - Website  - TH - with Disease (NA), UA, AM, SS, AJ  
                          + other websites 

2. Decide on Targets by Theme for the Month of December 
   - what is pending - see TB and FC 
   - what are the targets for Dec 
                 Admin - Operational Tasks  
                 HR -  Appointment + Communicate the Vacancies + Obtain Suitable Responses 
 Finance -  Salaries + Seylan Bank Documentation (FS) + Obtain Reserve 
 Legal - 
Cross-Cutting - Visit Digana Office + Get Mail + Pay Bills + Check Video + Clean Office 
                       - Work Reporting + OCW 
   - review 

3. Allocating Work  + Deciding on Resources Needed + SWOT 

4. Monitoring Work  TB 

Cross-Cutting - FS + ZJ 
Digana Office - TH 
Akurana Office - RZ + FS 
Re-Org - RZ + FS + AM 
OCW - AM + SS + ZJ  
Work Reporting - FS 

5. Communicate with the other staff members - and get their feedback. 

6. Knowledge Management 
  - OSF + Blogs - decide what we are going to maintain 

7 Personnel Needed 
Wishlist for Hires - HR needs to undertake a campaign - 
Graphics / AV person - TH 
Writer - Non-Scientific - LZ 
Writer - Scientific - LZ 
Admin - HR / Accounts - RZ / FS
Legal - Junior Lawyer  - RZ 
Researcher - Quantitative - LZ 
Personal Assistant - LZ 

Sunday, September 27, 2020



Over the weekend, we had the electrical engineering team here and Farook Nana helping with the carpentry. 
- added two cameras for CCTV - so now there is more coverage of the road - still to move the camera for the gate
- sorted out some of the material that is mixed up - telephone / electrical / TV  / Internet cables and supplies and equipment 
- set apart places to put these materials - some in the pantry, some in the tool room at the end - we have to all work in that framework 
- took out some materials that was misfiled - or dumped in boxes without any labels 
- Pl pay attention and we shall have to get the 5S system to work not only for the materials and tools but also our keys and stationery 

Farook Nana from Varakamura has fixed some of the cupboard doors - 
KW table door re-fixed. 
The drawer from the wooden table was being used as a box in the kitchen to hold knick knacks and the mousetrap  - so we put that back. 
Drawers should not used for heavy things - and so some more rearrangement is needed. 

Library cupboard  on the stairs and other cupboards need to be fixed. So Farook of V shall be around the whole week. 
We may do several things we had planned 
- such as put a roof at the concrete patch on the backdoor upstairs 
- repair the roof in front of the house - as it is leaking 
- repair the leaks at the back of the house 

A chair was being used as a temporary or even permanent stand  in the balcony in room 1 - shows no plan or thought or sense of permanent arrangements. It is a waste of a chair. 
Worse, I see that the wooden frame in the Windows had been crudely cut to carry a wire out for the Air Visual. 

Lets try to be a bit more professional in our work. It is very sad for me as I took a lot of trouble with all the wood work there - hunting down timber which was mature and the carpenter who did the work was also so attentive and skilled - it is so easy to hack it - if you damage the window frames we cannot repair  it without a massive cost - that shall cost about 100,000 SLR and we still won’t get it right. 

Hope that Seylan Bank comes through. If they do we should set up FECT, Inc as well. 

We need to do the paperwork for this - partially done and FS handling. 

Review of the Writ submission by SZY - Amani to work on this with input from FS and LZ - 
FS has converted to text  - so we need to cross check with our Writ and see the issues to highlight to the lawyers. 
I emailed our lawyers with some notes just to see whether they had an urgent deadline for it - but they did not revert. 
RZ has already sent the document copies to Heshan and to Faisza + Hasna. 

With CC due to leave on Friday - UA is in Digana to help with learning the DL - 
Both AM and UA can work on this 

NA can help with the Climate reports - but we are not going to have a smooth transition on the Statistical analysis.  


ZJ  can compile the various articles we had and print them and handover to RR - and ask feedback about follow up. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

ICTA Submissions & Other Deadlines

 ICTA work 

Think we were Able to sort out problem with submission - we have been in touch - but don’t think we got acknowledgement yet as we have for the other two. We were told that the original attachments and mail  did not make it. 

DS was looking into some matters - About Us changing the advisors - he may be adding some translations for 
CG was ill in the AM - so incorporating the new inputs paused. 
Translations proceeded - with KW, ZJ, FS and inputs from CC - not heard from MR 

The recording for 
Disease has been done by TK 
Drought is in progress by ZJ today 
Cleanair - has to be revised for recording by TK 

Social Media 
Work remains  to make the three new portal lists work - lets get a few new folks involved 

While there was good progress with the three sites in the last four days. 
Shortcomings remain on the sites - so shall write that individually for the 3 sites in separate emails. 

Proposal on Dengue Prediction 
Odds are very long - only 1 grant globally 
- but it is on exact work we are doing for dengue 
- so we can try to do without too much disruption.
AN and I went through the RFP later and decided to proceed with this. Deadline is August 21 - 
but if we give a sub-contract to Ramesh - then U of Missouri may need to have documents well before. 
I have also written to Rashed for Marshall Island and Bangladesh and Shaky for Nepal and asked Dr. Kusum whether she knows of any place. 
Need Audit statements for the org - so may have to go with FECT and TCG 

RFP on Bioplastics for SL and MV 

Came across this on a news website 
- this is in the domain of AA work 
- Also Hudha and Mizna may be interested. 
- so 

Link in Google calendar is not working to AMED 
If we were to pursue SATREPS, now is the time - but seems too big of an effort - as it has to be led by someone in Japan. 
Worth looking at AMED to see whether they have smaller grants. 

FECT - Inc / TCG -Inc 
INS registration has to be done again. Must do next week - for above RFP
TCG registration to be done with GW 

- PE is effectively gone - but we have some closing shop to be done with her. 
- DS is also effectively gone 
- NP has not been in touch whole of this week

Hiring  -  
Priorities established before for positions remain. 
Digana recruiting a priority. 

To add to our priorities hires  - it shall be important to get an IT person who works on Linux 
We may have to seek someone high end if we cannot get the profile we are looking for. 

We decided on an Advt in the Sunday Observer. That was done later by the Admin team. 
My two interviews in person last week did not yield a good match. 
There are two persons who are not sure but we can see. 
There are two SLIATE IT Diploma students who are available in September. 

Administering Recruit Search 
Seems that our tracking system for work under Hiring needs improvement - or getting distracted. 

FS and TH 
 - to keep track of progress with Institutions and Next steps 
 - Other work on Engaging with Institutions - NAITA Matala / Kandy, SLIATE, NIBM/ CoT Aruppola + Hardware place in Kandy - for IT and Hardware  / Potential Reviewers 
 - Effectiiveness of our efforts - outcome mapping is needed for example in relation to Advertisements - and we need people following up. 

Instruments - AWS 
With PE leaving need someone to keep track of aspects in addition to TH 
- CC can do some of PE tasks for now. 
 - went through work on AirVisual Registrations and Access database 

We need someone to keep track of all this in addition to CC and TH  - the hardware /electronic technician 

All Staff Meeting / Lunch 
Next Week Tuesday had been proposed 
Given Proposal Deadline for 21st and carryover of work on ICTA to next week and MC case on the 18th Tuesday 
And the fact that it shall take 2 days to prepare, deliver and recover
- we decided to postpone to next week. 

Transfer 76/2 Electricity Bill 
File on that is still not complete - so thats on the table. 

NDB has asked for a letter - we need to follow up. 
Bu letst also try with a better bank. 

Pending payments to 5 individuals 

- was able to clear some confusions - about the evaporation submissions - the AQ submissions to E1 are fine and under review 
- Not heard from the Section C, D and F regards the RS, Dengue and Economy submissions. 
- Memberships to be submitted - coming week. 

Need to review and revise the Affidavit on Monday to discuss with Mr. SGS on Tuesday 18th - 
Ask HT whether that date of September 3 works for him. 
RZ: Need to ask Hidaya as to why there is a delay in the Federation Registration as a Trust. 

PEER project on Dengue 
Officially extended till September 2021 

Not to forget 
Data - MR went to Teldeniya alone with elections 
Freedcamp - we have to do a review of how it fared with ICTA 
NWP Visit - needed to relocate AQ instruments and to submit Ethics proposal 
Mubarack Visit Follow up - need to send the addresses and contact lists - am tempted to follow up with some website 
DSC - Write up’s remain to be  done. 
STEM - Bill to be paid to Dhiraagu - ask someone in MV to do this. Need to get feedback on document for STEM - there is a call for proposals on bioplastics for MV 
Dilmah - need to write to them acknowledging funds - also to Dilhan and follow up with PW 

Friday, July 31, 2020

Management Meeting / mgmt

We should do a management meeting at least monthly and analyze how things are going long-range. Lets do this tomorrow after we have got all the weekly plans in and responded to it. 

May need to do by zoom - TH may be in Digana 
FS on leave due to ill health. 
LZ shall have to go to Colombo on Wed or Thursday. 
PE is in Colombo tomorrow and maybe the next day. 

On Jun 5, 2020, at 3:10 PM, lareef zubair <> wrote:

Minutes and Files 
- had IT meeting for 2+ sessions - reviewed Re-Org/Trello Board 
      - and left DS, TH and CG to finish up. 
We need to close this out - personnel changes is key  - it should inform our work plans. 

- waiting for the IT meeting report - from today 
- IT security document - CG to review and pass to LZ 
Need to finish these - if it is me who is holding this up. 

- Admin meeting got postponed yesterday - need to finish off the Re-Org 

We need to close this out - it seems a undigested still 

Staff Matters 
 - NP plans to come on Sunday 

PE is back - not clear how she shall partition her time. 

NP is engaged in the Legal, and Time Series Analysis - he is picking up. 

MR is on the road 

KW is doing well on metadata but still to pick up more on CDT 

CC is picking up on a few topics and seems contented - wants to continue as her 3 month appointment over. 

DS feels he may be unable to focus on the FECT work given load at ICBT but wants to contribute this month to the ICTA work. Am bit disappointed that I have not recovered all the account yet. 

ZJ is picking up with library work and some personal records in addition to organizing documents - I am not having enough time to keep up with her progress. If we have a social scientist it shall help. 

Most of the staff have appointments to be updated.
We have to think through how to provide new 

 - Clear the priorities are PA / Writer / IT (Hardware +) - lets focus 

No progress with finding the priority folks as above - we are drawing a blank with our advertisements and submissions to institutes and a couple of visits. 
Have to give responsibility to individuals for this. 

Collaboration Boards 
 - systems for monitoring and updating are not working. 

What is working - what is being updated  and NOT ? 

  - there is a need for clarity when you do this - since you have attended many of these we need to do better 
  - precise documentation / outputs are needed - else the discussions shall go to waste
  - follow up needed
  - Too much time has been taken on IT and Admin work 

We cannot go for too long without doing the Re-Org - for other areas - and overall. 
We should get the communication and publications re-org done. 
We can try to arrange for a date after the submission on the 15th for this. 

Remaining Urgent Tasks
- AQ grant - seeking partnership 
Dropped the ball there. 
- TCG set up in NYC 
Not yet - also pending. 
- NDB bank
Moving very slowly but positive feedback so far - but never know. 
- Gettin 1&1 accounts back 
- NWP Permissions &Visit AN + TH
Sending documents is pending. 
-  OSF - LZ needs to create on Monday
Pending - shall take it on. 
- DSC submissions pending - FS
ZJ has given draft need to fix that. 
- writing up papers for Mickey Glantz - AN coordinating 
Advanced last week - shall try to finish SL draft  tomorrow. 
Digana draft for MV by Tuesday. 
- AQ write up’s pending. 
NCPP social and environmental assessment review document pending. 
In addition, we should write up a paper on COVID and Air Pollution 

With NP, I have been working on a work plan for the legal side - we have to dedicate him for this for next two month - there is a lot of built up work there. 

- Trying to see how to manage the 3 different cases we have - CoA / MC, LT, & DC. With the stay order, we can pause the MC and if we prevail in CoA then MC case by the Labour Dept is dismissed. 
LT - the complainant is interminably going on abetted unfortuntely by people in charge. 

- For the DC,  RZ and I have to try to review and fix an affidavit tomorrow, Mufliya is trying to get a postponement on the DC case, if not granted have to go to cmb on Wed to finalize the affidavit and get it translated. 

Some new things Needed. 

- How is work reporting working out? 

- Review of Monthly Progress reporting 

- Staff Progress Review for 6 months 

- How to provide appointments for staff - what happens if there is 2nd wave? Structuring reports - learning from problems during the shutdown. 

PEER AMJ submission for July 15. 
- this is due next week - we shall need to work on this. 
FS and AN shall need some help with this - may have to see what others such as 
CC, KW and PE can do. 

- ICTA award submission for July 30 
 - Thinking of submitting, and an air quality portal in the different categories. 


Marikkar CEO of LTL visited Nachchaduwa Site with our instruments - he is taken up sending me pix of the Instruments. He wants us to do Jaffna and Kerawalpitiya as well on their dime - and Bangladesh is open too. 

Should we pursue this - its good to diversity from science grants - so that our staff have funding beyond the dengue grant ending in one year.  Such instrumentation is an opportunity now. We don’t have funding for AQ work - but have a lead and a big body of work on it and the competencies to interpret it. 

If we are to pursue, it has to be done in a business like fashion - doing things on time. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Management Meeting

1.     AGENDA 

  1.  Recruitment
  2. Trello/ OSF/Re-org
  3. Instruments
  4. Effort Reporting
  5. Admin Operational Tasks
  6. Banking & Trust
  7. DS



-          Emailing letters to NAITA/ICBT/ESOFT

-          In person visit – Hand delivery

-          Figure it out who is going to give

-          Add this on What’s app

-           List of referees – Provide it to TH


-          Develop procedures for admin

-          Management handbook



-          How it happen

-          How we know that task is complete or not

-          How much time it take

-          Monitoring as Admin/IT/ Finance/ Management

-          Daily/Weekly/Monthly – Add the duration



-          Work plan

-          Maintaining & Monitoring the instruments

-          Fixing the instruments – Wednesday

Maldives Online payment - ?

VSO Reporting

Legal – To get signed the affidavit by Sooryarachchi

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Management Meeting - 04.06.2020

On Zoom from 10.30 - 11.15 
RZ, CG, AN and FS 
TH on leave. 


Staff Guidelines 
  - IT and IT security - what has been done - TH and CG - to report this pm
  - work from home - where are with this - Did TH attend to this?
  - health guidelines for Office - Did RZ complete this? I had provided feedback. 

Review of Attendance 
According to RZ 
- with a few exceptions - the weekly and monthly reports have been submitted 
- Shortcoming 
- Trello Board Task for Weekly submission for review and another one for planning and Monthly submission MUST include a date and also labels. 
 For  - Weekly Review submission it can be Sunday at 6 pm
         -the Planning Submission ishould be 10 AM by each Monday 
         - Monthly submission should be around the 2nd of the next month. 
- we need to ask for calculations of hours / days worked from the staff - if there is discrepancies then RZ can follow up. 

Review of Recruitment 
Sunday Times Advertisement - did not get much attention 
    - it lacks focus and missed most important item for PA / EA / Writer 
Letters to be sent out as per TH yesterday - needs list 

All 3 interviews with SUSL and UoM students not giving a good match 
We have to be careful about whom we take 
According to CG - PE may come to office next week. 

Review of Trello Board for FECT Admin Operational Tasks 

RZ says now we have to email the senior staff - not sure we should consult them first. 

 LZ left with questions
 - what is the connection with the SWOT / RE-ORG work ?
 - Are these tasks or just categories ?
 - Why are we organizing by main person who is responsible. ? 
 - how is this Trello Board separate from the Admin board ? 
 - Is this an Admin Board or Management Board ? 

Work in Office versus Work Offline 
 - RZ, FS, CG - think work in office is going better than work at home 
 - AN is ok. But sees lots of distractions when she comes to office - this is sentiment of DS too 
  -  there is a pent-up need for input in a variety of fronts when in office - esp with new staff  - and this may ease a bit - however we have to 

Grant on Air Quality - URGENT 
 - We have not done anything - unlike other grants we have to get partners and support them - so we need to move ASAP to try to get in on a winning consortium - PE has said she would send contacts last week but not yet. 

——————We did not review minutes from Last Monday below ————

 - RZ is advancing the USD accounts for the NDB and HNB banks
 - Trust registration being done. 
 - FS working on TCG US registration

NWP PD Health 
 - AN and LZ working on this 

 - got postponed 

 - got done in Nachchaduwa - waiting for BTO + Next tasks 

 - TH and CG and RZ - to report back on completion for Admin and IT 

File for Mgmt 
 - FS ? 

OSF Storage 
 - LZ yet to do

Collaboration Boards 
 - Not sure of progress 

Monday, June 1, 2020

Management Meeting

Management Meeting 
At Akurana downstairs 
1.00 - 2.20

Minutes and Files: 
  - we need a file with the minutes of the management and other meetings - we need documentation. Followup: FS + Admin Team to report back on Available Files
   - we need lower quality paper for note taking - and a collection of one-sided paper 
  - we need the dot-matrix printer to work (Pl add to IT) along with fixing the VOIP phone. )

Staff Matters 
 - Attendance 
- RZ says everything OK with attendance reporting? LZ asked why there are only a few people sending daily reports ? RZ to check and report back.  
 - Recruitment - 
  To keep proper social distancing, we can only add two more persons to Akurana and Digana offices. 
- IT interns from SUSL want webwork - so may not work out. Also bioscience candidate may not be ideal. Given policies on relative hiring - we need to define what is the extent of the relationship. 
- UoM IT grad recruitment is a question - probably shall not work.  
- Our advertisement that was slated for the HitAds - should be checked this week.

 - Reporting 
- We shall request all staff to enter on the Trello Board when they send their daily, weekly and monthly reports
- in the monthly report, we shall ask for total # of daily reports sent and the dates of sending in the weekly reports.  

Office Matters 
    -maintaining a safe office 
- there are several shortcomings identified - particularly wiping commonly handled equipment such as taps, phones, keys - RZ to figure out how to attend to this
- we shall seal of the house portion from the office by moving the bookshelf
- since staff are not reading our guidelines - these matters should be written up and pasted on the walls - RZ to revise the Health Guidelines - pl provide LZ with printout. 

    - If Misriya is not cleaning hidden places 
- then lets either get a new person to do this or stop her from doing other tasks that distracts her such as making tea or sweeping the floor. There is a risk anyway with her coming into the office and staff can make their own tea - also there should be much less dirt with shoes being left downstairs. 

Banking and Regulatory 
 - NDB bank requested VSO certificate to complete bank account that has been sent by RZ 
 - SDA account for TCG can be done once we have registered TCG overseas. This can be done from here. 
 - Trust to be formed this week - lets advance - RZ and LZ - FS provide printout of Trust document and file.

 - Admin Re-Org to be checked by TH and reported on soon 
- IT Re-org - not clear where things are - TH can check 
- Communication should get started. 

 - Dates - Jun 29 - LT, July 30 - DC and Aug 18 - MC
RZ to find out date for Writ from Faisza Mustapha 
We may have to prepare for July 30. 
  - visit Kurunegala to fix the instruments 
  - get permissions from 
NWP Permissions 
  - send document to Geethika Amarasinghe as per phone conversations. - AN needs to check
  - PD is away tomorrow 
  - Plan to visit on Wednesday - who is going apart from TH - maybe CG or AN? 
Grants - URGENT 
  - Need to circulate to possible applicants for the US State Dept call on AQ for 4 South Asian Countries / get contacts from PE BTO 
OSF File Storage
  - set up for Admin, IT, Communication etc. 

Set up OSF - LZ 
Follow up on Trust - LZ -> RZ 
Set up US TCG - LZ and FS 
Grants - FS and AN - 

Collaboration Boards 
   - Frequency of Checking of Trello Boards by Staff and the boards they are responsible for needs to be identified 
   - someone / some system needs to check off on this - see it gets done. 
   - TH to circulate in paper form the the list of Trello Boards (FS can put up in the NB) 

After the management meeting - had two meetings and a garage visit. 

- With FS and ZJ on DSC 
They need to finish up a bunch of documents and ship these out - these are the RR translations, the Peraketiya Thero documents  (FS - to pull together maps - whats there is no good, photos) and the the various KJ translations 
- next RR article on legal is pending - and I shall outline these. - hard to make progress without printed versions. 

- with MR, AN and KW on Climate Data Collection 
- MR should spend his time on the road - we have about 20 days of his time - Out of this we should have him on the road for at least 10 days -  but this is the 2nd day he spent in office without ending up with a plan.  
- We don’t seem to have properly updated the inventory  of what is the climate data that we have for the NRMC 
 - Maybe KW can help sort this out. 
Is it necessary for MR to come tomorrow?  Specially with AN being uncertain? I think its best not that he comes till we sort out the data needs. 
 - he can look into the Irrigation Dept / CEB / MASL / NWSDB data. 

Kurunegala Visit on Wednesday 
 - think I shall stay back in Akurana to prepare for the Kurunegala visit 
 - the Ethics Form needs to be checked. 
 - Instruments / Routers need to be taken
 - I have to visit Census Dept and Provincial Environment authority as well - so need to make appointments. 
- Checked LZ car - seems brakes issue sorted - but not the door / window locks. 
- it should go to Kurunegala fine 

DS Request 
- DS requests to work 3 days a week in the office. He is willing to work extra hour at home.  
- he has organized a 3 wheeler to drop and pick him up for Rs. 300 per trip. 
- given his health condition, we shall permit - but he shall have to attend on other days. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Re - Work Hours, Effort Reporting and Reimbursements

With our usual systems for work reporting not working online, RZ and I have been trying to sort out as best and fairly as we can. We have been pushing to get staff self-reporting their weekly work along with output.

We considered 
- self reported hours worked
- productivity / outputs 
- leave records

These estimates are being made with much more effort than usual - to add to the difficulties as folks were late in reporting, and in couple of cases the hours don’t match with the output and this often went together. She has been trying to be fair by the staff and the organization. In fact, she is still working on it tonight and I am also staying up to help her sort things out.

Being fair to the organization is needed for sustainability which ultimately is good for staff even if they leave as it reflects well for their career. Many organizations are cutting back on payments due to the loss in productivity, reductions in travel and other costs. Since the staff have been trying to cope and it is possible for folks to contribute but we shall reimburse as per usual.  After next month, we shall reconsider based on the situation.

Since reporting is being done on an hourly basis - calculations are on the  work week - for the mercantile, the work week decided by the government is 45 hours a week - we used to give a half day off during the weekend as well but with the proviso that you shall contribute as needed  - see our staff handbook.  You can discuss any concerns or curiosity with RZ and if you have suggestions you can

In terms of productivity there has been problems in terms of people not being able to concentrate on their work
- the need to take care of  those of others around them
- because of distractions in the home set up 
- not setting up the work space adequately 
- shortfalls with the home computers
- due to wifi limits
- inadequate use of collaboration software 
- the lack of files and other materials in the office
- lack of IT skills and tools to function efficiently at home
- the difficulties to coordinate among different staff member s
- lack of concentration due to multi-tasking with other activities

My sense is that productivity has dropped by 20-70% compared to when folks come to work in the offices. But its picking up over the weeks for those who were struggling the most - there is ways to go. It shall be good to know what you think.

There is way more to improve.
We also need awareness as to who is working at any given time - as staff collaboration is undermined with the odd hours. We have to think about the coordination. Its been difficult to get the use of Slack or that folks can login to an Organizational suite when working.

Work Hours, Effort Reporting and Reimbursements

RZ and I have been trying to sort out the staff payments with our usual systems not working. We have been pushing to get staff self-reporting their weekly work along with output.

We considered 
- self reported hours worked
- productivity / outputs 

These estimates are being made with a lot of effort by RZ as folks did not report, or were late in reporting, and in couple of cases the hours don’t match with the output. She has been trying to be fair by the staff and the organization. Being fair to the organization is needed for sustainability which ultimately is good for staff even if they leave.

Although there was a conversation with a few of you regards the fact that many organizations are cutting back on payments due to the loss in productivity, reductions in travel and other costs, multi-tasking by the staff in some cases, and we shall reimburse as per usual.  After June, we shall reconsider based on the situation.

Since reporting is being done on an hourly basis - calculations are on the  work week - for the mercantile sector is 45 hours a week - we used to give a half day off during the weekend but that was not a permanent leave as seen in our staff handbook. 

In terms of productivity

There has been problems in terms of people not being able to concentrate on their work
- because of distractions in the home set up 
- shortfalls with the home computers
- due to  wifi limits we are not doing well enough with collaboration software 
- the need to take care of the personal situation and those of others around them.
- the lack of files and other materials in the office
- lack of IT skills and tools to function efficiently at home
- the difficulties to coordinate among different staff member s
- lack of concentration due to multi-tasking with other activities by staff members

My sense is that productivity has dropped by 20-70% compared to when folks come to work in the offices. But its picking up over the weeks. It shall be good to know what you think.

As I wrote the other day, while the effort reporting is now improving,
half the staff members are not reporting when they start and stop work
So we are having difficulties with coordination.

We have to think about the coordination. Its been difficult to get the use of Slack or that folks can login to an Org suite when working.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Regarding the standing issues / staffing / office opening / re-organization & recruitment

Attendance - FS (till 4.40), TH from 4.30, RZ, LZ, AN
Time - 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm

       Review from last Admin Meeting minutes  
       KMV - Rushmi Wickramagamage is going to help - what can we assign 
       Proposal Arrangement for Ranmalee Bandara - next steps - see AQI Trello Board 
       Any special issues for Ramazan 

  • Status of OCW 
  • Attendance Review 
  • Weekly Reporting
  • Staff payment arrangements  for April 
  • Office Status - Digana and Akurana
  • Envisioning Reopening 

       decisions that need to be made 
       departures and  recruitment     
Ø  Admin re-organization - TH - Feedback on Questions about Review of Admin functions for Brainstorming  
Ø  Financial re-organization - RZ  - Feedback on Questions about Review of Admin functions for Brainstorming 
Ø  Online Re-Org Meetings - Do we need to do this? If so who shall lead this?  


       Different Options for Assigning Work on the Weekly Climate Reports were considered. RZ wanted to be careful about disturbing what Ain’t broke. The trouble is that the opportunity is not leading to growth or science nor is there a career future there. Maybe there are unemployed persons who may benefit from the 10K we pay per month. We have to consider capable folks we are not able to keep due to the budget and other reasons in the tough times to come. 

       Anyway, prospective candidates shall be tried out for producing the climate report. Good to have a backup 
       We need a person whose work we can rely on and who is willing to go the extra distance. 

       LZ wanted to know the policy on engaging otherwise employed staff or post-graduate students for such assignments? 

       So as to pick the candidates. 

       We seem to permit the first. Hiring Employed staff (RL) does not seem an issue that is contradicts our Staff HB. Although one could argue. Perhaps it is because it is a limited weekly assignment for a task that we cannot find an internal person. 

       Perhaps it a person with specialized skills who saves us funds overall. Or a person who brings in funds (like our PI’s), Think we need to accommodate such exception for such engagement case by case. What about the post-graduate student - not sure why the case of a post-graduate student is different if they have specialized skills or aptitudes. We are not engaging PG students who do part-time Masters in FECT except for limited engagements. 


       Digana Office to Reopen for all staff: PT has visited the office twice - he reports not problems. As long as the curfew is lifted, we decided to facilitate the staff to work following the safety procedures provided by the Ministry of Health in the Office. That office can accommodate a maximum of 5 including the office inside. Staff may have to each lunch two at a time and have some facilities for wiping down surfaces, door knobs, bathrooms. There is a risk in bringing external folks to clean the place. Mgmt. felt that our staff shall help in this.  Existing staff at Digana - CG, TH, DV - to be given priority - We could have rotating attendance by 2 other staff members we may need to help with their transport within limits. 
The Akurana office opening is not in the horizon yet. And when done has to be gradual. 
       Due presence of elderly person downstairs, we shall have to take additional safeguards when it is opened - it has to be partitioned to areas where staff habituate.  We shall need the office staff numbers to be brought down from 8-9 to around 5 for the benefit of all.
       We may give the opportunity for work from home to staff members who are more effective and those who are most exposed from travel.  

      (An email to be sent to the staff on this). 

      Admin re-organization - TH presented a preliminary list of Admin Activities - he was requested to provide a list of immediate tasks, and to circulate the list of tasks to be done.   After that he should work on how to transform the work towards OCW - and how to do this step by step. Recruitment for Admin support from NAITA, SLIATE and other VTI to be prioritized. Current Assessment by TH - A person for hardware support who can do other tasks online is needed. 

      Financial re-organization - LZ suggested RZ review the organizational structure - e.g. Accounts, Auditing, Purchasing - to Add Attendance to this from Admin, to break up Accounting into a few functions - such as book-keeping, petty cash, payroll -  suggest what are the immediate tasks, what are the opportunities and challenges to move functions to online work. 

       Even with a need to reduce staff, we should not hesitate to hire staff such as NAITA trainees who can benefit from exposure to help Finance and Admin work - and that is the way that we can manage better with higher-end staff.  

       RZ had started to work on Financial Projections for next 2-3 years based on current grants and staff and other expenses and needs. She needs to develop a few scenarios to enable current funds to last for 2-3 years. Core staffs have to be sustained longer.  LZ requested her to do this quickly without trying to make this excessively accurate - if the accuracy is 30% or of the order of lakhs, that is as precise as it needs to be because there are big changes that can come up.

       Online Re-Org Meetings - All agreed to proceed with zoom meetings - initial they can be done by THEME - and we can have an ALL-STAFF meeting. The Mgt Team members -RZ, TH and AN-  to take charge check on the next step by next week. TH (?) suggested the team meetings can be done before the meeting.

       Any special issues for Ramazan: Nothing came up

       LZ referred to the Email asking whether ? Is there a CRISIS and DO WE NEED TO MANAGE FOR IT?”

       He said there was no response to the emails - there was no response at the management meeting - maybe because the meeting went for long